What She Wore During Fashion Week – February 2023

Instead of watching the Superbowl, Belle and I headed down to Don Angie‘s restaurant in the Village on Sunday night. Brooke Shields threw an invitation-only dinner to cast some shine on her favorite clothing line, Dodiee Knitwear. It was fun catching up with jewelry designers Zani Gugelmann and Jennifer Fisher. And Miss Veronica Webb. Some of us gathered around phones to peek at Rihanna’s half-time performance while others ooohed and aaahed over the luscious pieces that Brooke, Dodiee’s founder Elisa Dahan and their models strolled around in during the cocktail hour. Winona, Inc. was in the house! Brooke’s people called the agency and booked three of my girls a week ago. They were happy to see me. Most of my kids dig it when I’m on set and watching them work. They be werkin it, too.

Winona is wearing PRADA. Belle is wearing SERGIO HUDSON

Fashion Week Continues…

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